For over two decades, the Strategy Forum has developed into "THE" top executive community for strategy & transformation in the German-speaking world.
We expect more than 140 top executives from all functions and industries as well as top-class speakers and panelists, all top executives from international and national industry leaders such as Meta, TikTok, UBS, SIX, Zurich, Julius Baer, Daetwyler, Emil Frey and many more (full program can be found here).
We look forward to a day of inspiration, education and networking exclusively at eye level with other exciting personalities from the Swiss business community.
"Leadership Challenge 2024: Transformation, AI and Crisis Management"
Thursday, November 23, 2023 | 08:30 - 16:30
Place: Lake Zurich area
Registration: Inner Circle members only or upon request
Costs: Free of charge for members (non-members: on request)
Interested in our events? Write us a message.