Exclusive events

C-Level invites you to regular top-class forums or roundtables, virtually or physically. Top executives from all sectors and functions come together to discuss hot topics and common challenges.

Strategy Forum on Lake Zurich 2022
Strategy Forum on Lake Zurich 2022
Strategy Forum on Lake Zurich 2022
Strategy Forum on Lake Zurich 2022

Impressions of our 20th Anniversary Strategy Forum at Lake Zurich 2022:

About us

Hub for Swiss managers. For over a decade.

C-Level has been the leading top executive community in Switzerland for over 12 years now. Since the beginning, C-Level has pursued one mission: the personal networking, further education and inspiration of our members.

C-Level Magazine

C-Level publishes a magazine with in-depth specialist articles, exciting background reports and interviews on current management and technology topics. The magazine is consistently tailored to top executives and is sent to thousands of top executives in the DACH region.

Magazine published since 2012
Reading sample issue 2024
C-Level Magazine issue 1/2024 (excerpt)
Let the numbers speak for themselves!

Since its foundation, C-Level has already inspired and successfully connected thousands of top executives, organized over 60 events and training courses and published more than 50 magazines on future topics.

Leading CXO studies

C-Level offers the unique platform to jointly conduct meaningful studies on "new territory" topics. Exclusively for top executives of leading Swiss companies. A selection of study topics:

Customer Journey Design of the Future
Cyber Security
Leadership 4.0
Artificial Intelligence

If you are interested in the results of this or other exclusive top executive studies of C-Level, please feel free to contact us.


Membership of C-Level

Access to membership of the "Inner Circle" of C-Level is reserved for executives at management and board level (Excerpt members). Members benefit from:
  • Access to all events, including Inner Circle Dinners & Lunches,
  • Guest tickets,
  • Continuing education courses with certificates
  • own contributions on stage & in the magazine
  • Network support within the community
We will be happy to review your request without obligation: