The leading top executive community in Switzerland

We connect the executives at executive and board level of the largest companies in Switzerland and the neighboring DACH region - with a focus on individual development, networking and inspiration.


Become part of the team!

Are you looking for a new challenge? Then apply now!


Executive Circles

At the heart of the community are the C-Level "Circles". Members enjoy exclusive access to activities and the C-Level network.

Access to exclusive ecosystem

C-Level Events

Thought Leaders Forums & Strategy Forum at Lake Zurich: Physical & Hybrid Cross-Sector Events


C-Level Academy

Access to classroom & online courses exclusively for top managers on digital and management topics

Virtual learning platform

Time and location-independent continuing education incl. diplomas and certificates on digital and management topics


C-Level Roundtables

Sharing of experiences & best practices, as well as networking of topic gurus




Exclusive magazine

Personal positioning and expert contributions sent to thousands of top decision-makers in the DACH region


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Leading studies

Access to all study results, analyses and insights conducted by leading experts and top decision-makers

Networking on «C-Level»

Access to the community is reserved exclusively for members of the management and board of directors of the largest companies in Switzerland and the neighboring DACH region (selection):

Top decision-makers
Largest companies in Switzerland

Discover our portfolio

C-Level offers numerous activities to provide the community with the greatest possible benefit for virtual or physical exchange.


Top-class events

Cross-industry, cross-functional, interdisciplinary events with breakout sessions

Magazine and studies

In-depth technical articles, studies among Swiss CXOs, behind-the-scenes reports and interviews

Further education

Unique virtual and physical courses exclusively for Top-Executives on digital and AI topics

Member references

"Excellent opportunity to exchange ideas about future topics outside my industry."

Claude Honegger
Head of Innovation & Technology Transformation, Credit Suisse AG

"The exchange provides concrete impulses that can be implemented in the own company. "

Beat Hodel
Member of the Executive Board, Head of Market Services Department, Luzerner Kantonalbank AG

"Great for breaking out of your "own little garden" and thinking, acting and networking across industry boundaries. "

Wolfgang Prasser

Senior Business Consultant, Group Strategy and Digital Transformation, Baloise Group

"What is particularly inspiring is the team and the passion that most participants feel in their role and task. The closeness, openness and willingness to share about professional and private topics is exceptionally high."

Chris Barkey

CEO / Business Development, Barkey GmbH & Co. KG

"For me as a leader, the intergenerational exchange is very valuable. Especially very long-time entrepreneurs have inspired me with their perspective. "

Tatjana Nebel

Director Innovation - Sustainability & Future Innovation, Ricola

"Format with great potential: you can pick the sultanas that interest you, get inspired and delve into topics in workshops""

Dr Jürg Werner

Board of Directors, V-Zug AG


Become part of the team

Are you looking for a new challenge? Then apply now!

Interested in becoming part of the team? We currently have no vacancies, but are looking forward to receive unsolicited applications by e-mail.

Continuing education at the next level

Get fit for a future shaped and changed by AI! The C-Level Academy offer includes

  • Insights on current management and technology topics
  • Topic-specific interactive working groups with depth
  • Cross-sectoral and cross-functional working groups
  • Cross-cutting discussions
  • Networking

  • Insights on current management and technology topics
  • Networking Sessions
  • Participants from the top management level
  • Technical lectures and presentations
  • Cross-cutting discussions

Training courses with leading companies in the fields of digitalisation, data and robotics.

  • Practice-oriented consolidation of current AI trend topics
  • For top executives
  • Ideas and suggestions for realisable AI use cases

C-Level Flagship event in November with approx. 150 executives and dinner beforehand.

  • Lectures / presentations / demos on management and technology topics
  • Topic-specific sessions as interactive working groups
  • Cross-cutting discussions
  • Networking


Zielgerichtete Positionierung on Stage


Neutrale Plattform für langfristige Beziehungen


Wettbewerbsvorteil durch wertvolle Insights


Steigerung der Awareness durch Branding auf allen C-Level Kanälen

Member references

"Excellent opportunity to exchange ideas about future topics outside my industry."

Claude Honegger
Head of Innovation & Technology Transformation, Credit Suisse AG

"The exchange provides concrete impulses that can be implemented in the own company. "

Beat Hodel

Member of the Executive Board, Head of Market Services Department, Luzerner Kantonalbank AG

"What is particularly inspiring is the team and the passion that most participants feel in their role and task. The closeness, openness and willingness to share about professional and private topics is exceptionally high."

Chris Barkey

CEO / Business Development, Barkey GmbH & Co. KG

"Great for breaking out of your "own little garden" and thinking, acting and networking across industry boundaries. "

Wolfgang Prasser

Senior Business Consultant, Group Strategy and Digital Transformation, Baloise Group

"For me as a leader, the intergenerational exchange is very valuable. Especially very long-time entrepreneurs have inspired me with their perspective. "

Tatjana Nebel

Director Innovation - Sustainability & Future Innovation, Ricola

"Format with great potential: you can pick the sultanas that interest you, get inspired and delve into topics in workshops""

Dr Jürg Werner

Board of Directors, V-Zug AG

Award Nominations

Nominate a company

C-Level is launching an award in the categories Digital Talent, Diversity and Equality and Corporate AI in collaboration with the AI Business School and the international AI communities Global AI Hub and AI Planet. Nominate a company with exceptional achievements:

Digital Talent Award

This award recognizes exceptional contributions to the development, education, training, retraining and promotion of digital talent inside or outside the company. This includes both raising awareness and empowering talent to actively shape the shared digital future.

Diversity and Equality Award

With the Diversity and Equality Award, we honor exceptional achievements in promoting greater diversity and equality in the technology sector. We also pay special attention to initiatives that promote the inclusion and participation of broader sections of society.

Corporate AI Award

The Corporate AI Award recognizes exceptional achievements by companies in creating added value through the use of AI. The focus is on use cases to promote the active use of AI technologies within and outside the company.

Procedure for nomination

You can nominate your own company or a third-party company. Please describe your nomination in 2-3 pages max using the following categories: Contact details, Name of the company, Sponsor of the use case, Summary of the achievement with focus on the result, Applied approach incl. used instruments/tools/methods, Possible cooperation partners, Results/outcomes.

Then send your nomination to Your information will be treated confidentially.

Deadline: Friday, March 31, 2023, 24:00 CET

Winners will be selected by a panel of expert judges and announced at the Digital Talent Summit (May 25, 2023) and AI Strategy Forum (June 22, 2023).

Voices of our members


Votes on C-Level


Executive AI Turbo Package

For each of the offers, we have agreed on a special VIP status and reduced conditions for C-Level members together with the AI Business School. For example, the AI Business School's Executive AI Turbo Package with the following components:


One-day, cross-company courses for top executives for practice-oriented, targeted consolidation of current AI trend topics. This includes demos, use cases, the identification of the most important players, tools, application areas and pioneering companies, as well as instructions on how to apply various AI technologies in practice.


One to two-day, tailor-made, individual in-house seminars for members at executive and board level as well as management teams to gain a 360° degree view on the topic of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics using relevant practical examples and use cases, demonstrated and discussed by top experts from the field.


The unique service for AI and robotics enquiries of all kinds. Referral of nationally and internationally leading experts from the AI Business School's global AI education ecosystem for an individual answer to the questions (and optional further mentoring).


Unlimited access to AI Business School's certificate online courses, designed at an optimal flight level for top executives and board members. Compact and time-efficient to impart application-oriented knowledge for immediate transfer to your own company.

Further information and even more educational packages are available from our cooperation partner: AI Business School.

Discover our portfolio

C-Level offers numerous activities to provide the community with the greatest possible benefit for virtual or physical exchange.


Top-class events

Cross-industry, cross-functional, interdisciplinary events with breakout sessions

Magazine and studies

In-depth technical articles, studies among Swiss CXOs, behind-the-scenes reports and interviews

Further education

Unique virtual and physical courses exclusively for Top-Executives on digital and AI topics
App for learning platform

Android and iOS based app with learning videos and tasks: Learn when, where and how you want

Discussion roundtables
Seminars for top executives: Perfectly tailored content, internal development and trainings
Physical courses
Tailored for top executives: Get ideas and suggestions for implementable AI use cases
Online courses

Online AI University for top executives, management teams but also for employees

Member references

"Excellent opportunity to exchange ideas about future topics outside my industry."

Claude Honegger
Head of Innovation & Technology Transformation, Credit Suisse AG

"The exchange provides concrete impulses that can be implemented in the own company. "

Beat Hodel
Member of the Executive Board, Head of Market Services Department, Luzerner Kantonalbank AG

"Great for breaking out of your "own little garden" and thinking, acting and networking across industry boundaries. "

Wolfgang Prasser

Senior Business Consultant, Group Strategy and Digital Transformation, Baloise Group

"What is particularly inspiring is the team and the passion that most participants feel in their role and task. The closeness, openness and willingness to share about professional and private topics is exceptionally high."

Chris Barkey

CEO / Business Development, Barkey GmbH & Co. KG

"For me as a leader, the intergenerational exchange is very valuable. Especially very long-time entrepreneurs have inspired me with their perspective. "

Tatjana Nebel

Director Innovation - Sustainability & Future Innovation, Ricola

"Format with great potential: you can pick the sultanas that interest you, get inspired and delve into topics in workshops""

Dr Jürg Werner

Board of Directors, V-Zug AG


Membership of C-Level

Access to membership of the "Inner Circle" of C-Level is reserved for executives at management and board level (Excerpt members). Members benefit from:
  • Access to all events, including Inner Circle Dinners & Lunches,
  • Guest tickets,
  • Continuing education courses with certificates
  • own contributions on stage & in the magazine
  • Network support within the community
We will be happy to review your request without obligation: